A selection of projects from a range of industries
Website are often maintained by the business owners - the images I share were are the time of build completion
Industry: Horse Nutrition
Objective: Rebuild with a facelift. Displaying extensive content in a way that clearly communicated the offering and engaged visitors to seek more information.
Visitor Interface & Experience
(the pretty bits and strategy behind them)
Text heavy site with PayPal payment gateway and extensive blog posts.
Redesigned navigation & look and feel. New imagery, product comparison table, blog layout & user experience.
(the hidden techy bits that make it all work)
The site was difficult to update using native WordPress editor.
Thrive Content Builder allows Dale to make quick changes with it's 'what you see is what you get' interface.
Industry: Early Childhood Education
Objective: Update site to communicate the values that make this kindy so special
Visitor Interface & Experience
Simple site that wasn't maximising the opportunity to communicate the special people and environment
Redesigned navigation & look and feel & user experience. Commissioned a photographer to capture the essence of this beautiful place
Industry: Appearance Medicine
Objective: New site to explain products & services clearly and provide a way to contact
Visitor Interface & Experience
One page site featuring the owner as the service provider. Clear services & products list, call to action, testimonials, & payment options. Included development of new logo.
Industry: Locum Nursing
Objective: New site to explain services clearly and provide a way to contact
Visitor Interface & Experience
Clean site with lots of white space highlighting owners expertise and work ethic.
Industry: Industrial Components
Objective: Rebuild with a facelift that highlights product range and services. Make it easy to update.
Visitor Interface & Experience
Simple site that wasn't maximising the opportunity to communicate their extensive range of products and services.
Redesigned navigation & look and feel & user experience.
The site time consuming to update.
Thrive Content Builder allows Mark to make quick changes with it's 'what you see is what you get' interface.
Industry: Quantity Surveying
Objective: Rebuild from scratch a site that was past it's use by date - new logo, new design, new visitor experience. New host too.
Visitor Interface & Experience
The logo & site were shining examples of 80's design that didn't reflect the company's current ethos of modern, agile and punching above it's weight.
1st step - new logo (n8creative.co.nz). The shapes and colours of the logo then informed the site design. Completely redesigned navigation & look and feel. New images, copy and iconography (funky little pictures than help communicate the core messages).
The site was difficult to update and expensive to host. No https so Google was penalising it in search results and bring up warnings about insecure content.
Thrive Content Builder allows Rob & Steve to make changes themselves, hosting is less than a coffee a month (yep a month) and google is now happy with https in place. Also added Wordfence to ensure the hackers couldn't reek havoc.
Industry: Venue
Objective: Rebuild from scratch a site that had grown organically over a long period and had become challenging for the user to find the offerings of Dune Lakes and the site was not mobile friendly. New host too.
Visitor Interface & Experience
The visitor experience was suffering from the site growing organically over a number of years.
It was time to make life easy for the visitor with clear choices and simple navigation. Brainstorming at the strategy and planning stage meant it was simple to find what you needed and showcase the beautiful location and inhabitants.
The site was not mobile responsive and was slow to load. The hosting was expensive and there was no https to please google.
Thrive Content Builder means Rosemary can update all the pages herself quickly and confidently. Google is now happy with https in place. Also added Wordfence to keep automated attacks under control (hacking is not personal - it's opportunist).
Industry: Corporate Wellness Coaching
Objective: Recreate a site that was already live in Wix maintaing user interface (flash way of saying design) and user experience (flash way of saying functionality, pages and menu structure)
Visitor Interface & Experience
Before & After
Exactly the same - kind of like re-piling your house - improves your foundation for the future but it's invisible....
The site was build using Wix.com which meant google was not happy (no https) and it took quite a bit of extra time to get it looking good on mobile.
Thrive Content Builder means Jo can easily update the pages and create good looking blog posts to keep visitors coming back. Again https and Wordfence ensure the site ranks well in searches and is secure.
Industry: Marketing Services
Objective: Create a site based on a logo, colour pallet and fonts provided by a designer to act as an online business card/brochure
Visitor Interface & Experience
Before & After
There was no before and only an after... He did already have a logo, colour pallet and preferred fonts which helped in designing the site. Daniel included a handy 'Click to Call' feature in the header (bit at the top with the page names) so mobile visitors can just click to button to get through to his mobile.
We used Daniel's existing host (where he had been storing his emails @triggered.co.nz).
Thrive Content Builder means Daniel make great blog posts in the future and update the site where needed. It's secure and searchable and the traffic is tracked through Google Analytics.
Industry: Equestrian Coaching
Objective: Create a site that allowed Kirstin to provide online education and passive income. Funding uses the crowd sourcing model using a patron approach with Patreon. Video's are hosted with Youtube. Site is fully mobile responsive and looks gorgeous due to the design of Cherie at ferndesign.co.nz
Visitor Interface & Experience
Before & After
There was no before and only an after... Kirstin already had logo and Cherie from ferndesign.co.nz created the look and feel for the site.
Before & After
Thrive Content Builder means Kirstin is self-sufficient - uploading videos and embedding them in vlog posts. It's secure with Wordfence keeping hackers and spam at bay, optimised for SEO and the traffic is tracked through Google Analytics.